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Hill View Primary School

Hill View Primary School

We are an internally minded school that nurtures curiosity, creativity and global awareness through an inspired local curriculum.

We're The Ambassadors

We're The Ambassadors

Empowering Pupils to become confident, compassionate and internationally minded learners.

Excellence Is Our DNA

Children learn to became resilient and respectful in an environment where each child is challenged to encouraged to the thrive and achieve as an individual.

We're The Ambassadors

Hill View Primary School Matanga

Opened on the 1st, Jan 2023, Hillview primary school Matanga is a boarding, privately owned learning institution situated in Matanga township 12km from Masaka city centre along Masaka-Kampala Road in Nyendo Mukungwe Division, Masaka city.

Strategically seated 5 acres on the hills of Matanga village, an ambient green environment with sceneries of lake Birinzi, accommodate a very suitable learning atmosphere for all learners. With 15 states of the art classrooms strictly designed to habour 40 ambassadors per lesson, a limited number of 600 ambassadors is catered to, ensuring high-quality performance across all learning areas.

School Statistics Data

Provided is our statistic info at Hill View Primary School Matanga. Ranging from Pupils to Staff.

Let your child join the roller coaster of world-class education and wholistic development riding along with Hillview primary school Matanga.

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School Location

Hill View Primary School Matanga is found in Matanga Village, Nyendo Mukungwe Division, Masaka City - Uganda.